Brand strategy ᐧ Naming ᐧ Positioning ᐧ Core messaging ᐧ Copywriting

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brand strategist & copywriter

Play to your strengths.

A spin-out from BCG Digital Ventures, Pebble is a software platform for kids’ activity providers. 

Three years in, the team knew they had a strong product-market fit and edge over their competitors. But they were struggling to make Pebble stand out — and realised they needed to shift from B2C to B2B. So they brought me in to make it happen.

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brand strategist & copywriter

You can’t keep a good idea down.

Airborne is a Leeds-based brand and digital creative studio. Design-led and tech-powered, because businesses need both to get an edge.

They’d outgrown their current brand, so brought me in for the refresh. I worked up their new positioning, brand manifesto, tagline, brand values and tone of voice. Boilerplates, key messaging and functional copy, too.

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brand strategist & copywriter

Marketing matters. But who has the time?

The brainchild of an ex-Google founder, this startup lets tradespeople make the most of digital with minimum effort.

Their competitors had settled for bland B2B — so I went for a zingy, comic-inspired feel: maximum impact, minimum words. Bold primaries and go-get-‘em energy. Hero-ing the client, because Tradestar’s just another tool in their belts.

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Project Fearless

lead copywriter & strategist

Cliché-crushing, confidence-cultivating courses for Dutch girls.

Project Fearless is a space for girls and non-binary kids to grow their comfort zones, learn new skills and rise above any outdated, stereotyped barriers society might put in their way.

I bundle the drive and vision powering our after-school courses and pop-up events into bold, welcoming and sparky words, across our digital and IRL touchpoints.

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brand strategist & copywriter

Making moves that matter.

Mac+Moore is an award-winning consultancy that helps brands make moves that matter.

I’m chuffed to be part of their freelance collective, working across clients in digital media, property, climate and IP investment.

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Cecile Creative Studio

brand strategist & copywriter

Building magnetic brands.

Cecile Creative Studio’s founder, Emily, is a powerhouse — it was an easy yes when she asked me to join her freelance team. 

We’ve collabed on strategy and copy for Tika Sumpter’s latest multimedia venture, with more projects in the works.

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campaign strategist & copywriter

Invest your talent. And we’ll invest in you.

SheSays is an award-winning organisation running free mentorship and events for women and non-binary people in the creative industry.

I worked on their #TakeTheLead campaign, shaping concepts and copy across social, web and email.

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brand strategist & copywriter

From Web3 jargon to a personality you can trust.

Kryha is an Amsterdam-based Web3 studio working on the transition to trusted, accessible decentralised tech. 

Working with the leadership team, I shaped the brand’s repositioning from concept to copy. Via a brand manifesto, tone of voice and style guide, it brought to life a Kryha defined not by its clients or projects, but by its people and values. 

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The power of ZKPs for Web3 gaming.

Boloney! is a bluffing-based dice game built by Web3 studio Kryha on Aleo.  

The team brought me in to create copy for all the game’s touchpoints, communicating its basis in zero-knowledge proofs and its quirky character.

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Penning a spoken-word brand manifesto.

I wrote the brand manifesto for international content network matter, giving their new direction a voice in seven punchy stanzas. 

Spoken-word style, it elevated their rebrand outline into a video script ready to roll for a cross-platform launch.

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brand strategist & copywriter

Repositioning a surgical software scale-up.

Incision works with leading surgeons to create content supporting OR teams to perform at their best. 

I reworked the scale-up’s brand strategy: from concept, core values and tone of voice to a brand manifesto, tagline and ready-made web copy on their offering and USPs.

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lead copywriter

Putting soul back into streaming.

Created with team Momkai, HYMN was the world’s digital theatre: the antidote to lacklustre lockdown livestreams that left audiences underwhelmed.

Working closely with the founders, as well as a phenomenal team of designers and developers, I crafted HYMN’s English presence from scratch. From tone of voice and marketing collateral to the most minute of UX details, I made sure it struck the right note.

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European Urban Knowledge Network

copywriter & editor

Knowledge exchange for sustainable urban futures.

Working closely with EU Member States and national governments, the EUKN is deeply involved in European urban policymaking.

I worked with the team on their web redesign, curating, revamping and crafting top-to-toe content to reflect the EUKN’s mission: uniting policy and practice to create liveable, sustainable cities.

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copywriter & content strategist

Sustainability, reimagined.

HuckleBe was a strategic sustainability communications company helping brands to scale their impact, boost their resilience and establish themselves as sustainability leaders. 

I worked with the co-founders to give voice to the HuckleBe brand and create content for their clients.

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Women Ahead of Their Time

writer & editor

Inspiring, empowering and promoting women in STEM.

Sharing honest, relatable career stories, WATT connects young women considering careers in STEM with the advice and experience of women several steps ahead of them.

From in-depth interviews, I wrote features weaving together women’s life and career stories — telling their tale, how they wanted it told.

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Spanish-English translation, editing & proofreading

It’s double take time.

Translation was my first foray into freelancing — and one that’s gone the distance.

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